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The time limit to register will finish 13th of October.

Each Federation could participate with four competitors.


The Spanish Karate Federation has organized the XV International Cup of Karate in the island of Lanzarote (Canary Islands) on 24th (afternoon sessions) and 25th (morning sessions) of October. The time limit to register will finish 13th of October.

The Spanish medalists Damián Quintero (champion of the World, European champion and gold medal in the Bakú Games), Sandra Sánchez (European champion and gold medal in the Bakú Games), and Laura Palacio and Jagoba Vizuete (bronce medal in the World Championship celebrated last year in Bremen) will participate in this International Cup of Karate.

Competition modalities: Kumite Individual Men (OPEN), Kumite Individual Female (OPEN), Kata Individual Men and Kata Individual Female.

Each Federation could participate with four competitors (one for each category), older than 16 years old (Kata) and older than 18 (kumite). It is necessary to have, minimun, the black belt.

The referees rules will be according to the World Karate Federation. We remember the obligation to wear the legal protections.

To participate it is necessary: National identity document or passport; updated national license; official registration form; and each competitor have to pay 30 euros.

It is also necessary the parents authorization (for minors) and health insurance updated and the company to which belong the competitor.

For more information, please, contact with the Spanish Karate Federation in this email: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.. Or in the Department of Press and Protocolo: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo.

Click here for more information in Spanish.


International Cup of Karate




Federaciones Autonómicas

andaluza1 aragonesa1 asturiana1 balear1 canaria1 cantabra1 catalana1 ceuta1 cleon1 cmancha1
 extremena1 gallega1  madrilena1  melilla1  murciana1 navarra1  riojana1   valenciana1 vasca1   

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